

Thursday 5 February 2015

Investing in Flats in Ahmedabad a Good Investment Decision

Ahmedabad Property
Ahmedabad flats seen a paradigm shift in demand. Earlier the sleepy city is seeing a steady influx of investments. NRIs as well as locals are keen to purchase Ahmedabad apartment. The city too offer Ahmedabad flats that suit various pocket sizes. Flats in Ahmedabad are in high demand due to growing opportunities in the city. The city is emerging as the new automobile hub and many new employment opportunities has been created as a result more and more people are keen to invest in flats in Ahmedabad.

Ideally a flat in Ahemdabad should not cost more than a few lakhs but luxury Ahmedabad Apartment can cost upto a crore. It is an wise decision to invest in the city as the city is currently in a growing phase and sooner or later the flat in ahmedabad are going to fetch huge returns. Initially  real estate market on account of problems such as lack of regulation, high retail inflation, faulty builder-buyer agreements favouring developers, uncertainty over the completion date of project and rising property prices. This had caused a drastic drop in sales across all major Indian cities. But, this year experts are expecting that the sales figures will rise as several new benefits like increase in the IT exemption from 2.0 lac to 2.5 lac and increase in the income tax exemption on repayment of interest on home loan from 1.5 lac to 2.0 lac has improved the overall outlook of the real estate scenario.

Also one must also remember that the Gujarati city offer plenty affordable Ahmedabad flat which is the current flavor of the season. Investors are looking to invest in affordable properties in promising destinations and flats in Ahmedabad fit perfectly in the bill. So if you are looking to buy a flat in Ahmedabad then do not hesitate to invest in one as in the long run it is surely going to fetch very good returns.

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